Fondata nel lontano 1949 da Mario Ronchi, la storica azienda romagnola poggia le sue radici su una piccola cantina dove furono compiuti i primi passi nella produzione dei vini sfusi e di quelli in bottiglia. Da allora molte cose sono cambiate, ma dopo più di sessant’anni di storia nel mondo del vino ha mantenuto ancora oggi le stesse caratteristiche di affidabilità e cordialità tipiche della conduzione familiare, rimanendo sempre al passo coi tempi grazie ad una costante evoluzione tecnologica andandosi gradualmente ad imporre come uno dei punti di riferimento storici nell’ambito della produzione e della distribuzione del vino del territorio romagnolo. Oggi l’azienda vanta una produzione distribuita in tutta Italia ma anche in numerosi altri paesi europei. L’amore per il vino condiziona la filosofia di lavoro Ronchi, nel rispetto della qualità e del servizio fornito al consumatore.
The company, founded in 1949, in Romagna, digs its roots in a small wineshop where the first steps towards producing bottled wines and in bulk wine were made.
Since 1949, in fifty years many changes occurred, but Ronchi 1949 Wines, has kept the commitment to two key values, reliability and cordiality, a peculiarity of family-owned companies, without neglecting technologic evolution. Since January 2004, the Ronchi 1949 Wines, now one of the major producers Romagna, went through its third generational change.
Today we produce several types of wine, whose distribution area covers both Italy, as well as many European end extra European countries is constantly developing new markets. The popularity of our wines lies its roots in our passion for wine, the core of Ronchi 1949 Wines good quality and customer service oriented philosophy.
Ronchi 1949 Wines cellar reflects the typical tradition of Romagna, a land known all over the world for its natural scenery, industrious and hospitable people. Lugo, a small city a few kilometers away from Ravenna (one of the main cities of the region), is one of Romagna attractions, but also the land where Ronchi wine is produced:
Famous for the commercial disposition of its citizens, that flourished at the end of the 1700s, with the construction of the quadriportico of the Pavaglione, hosting the silkworm market, a leading business at that time. Now this original and unique construction has became the cradle of the life of the city, featured by many historical shops.